Friends & Neighbors

Friends and Neighbors of Allamuchy NJ was founded in March of 1977.  The Club, presently comprises over 100 members, serves Warren County NJ and the surrounding area through volunteer service, financial support for community organizations and scholarships.  Friends and Neighbors has donated over three hundred thousand dollars to charitable and educational causes since its inception.

Aside from the various philanthropic efforts of the organization, Friends and Neighbors’ purpose is to foster a continuing fellowship and spirit of mutual helpfulness among its members.  Friends and Neighbors is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonracist, nonsexist organization open to all.

General meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month, October through May at 12 noon. September’s opening luncheon is held at a local restaurant. Meetings are held at Hafner Hall in the Allamuchy Firehouse, 284 Alphano Road, Allamuchy, New Jersey.

The organization is composed of many sub-groups which meet as follows:

  • Community Service Committee meets on the second Thursday of the month, September to May in Hafner Hall at 1pm.
  • Craft Group meets on most Tuesdays year-round in Hafner Hall from 10am to 2pm.  Craft Sales are held periodically.
  • Book Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month year-round in Hafner Hall at 2pm.
  • Foodies Group meets on the third Wednesday of the month.  Place and time determined by the group.
  • Lunch Bunch meets on the third Thursday of the month at a different restaurant.

Friends and Neighbors offers Fall Semester scholarships to local female students who are at least 25 years of age, a US citizen, a NJ resident, and who are either returning to school to complete their education or beginning advanced or specific educational programs to develop a new career.  See the link for more scholarship information and for an application.

For more information on Friends and Neighbors, contact the President, Vice President or the Membership Chair.